Saving money on things can be easy. Saving money while maintaining the things you need to get to work might need a little more finesse, especially if you don’t know cars very well. Trinity Auto Care is here to help you identify your vehicle’s needs and maintenance routine. Trinity serves White Bear Lake, Minnesota and frequently sees cars coming from Saint Paul, too. Here are a few ideas on saving money on your car maintenance.
Maintenance and Your Wallet
Many thrifty car owners envision driving their vehicle until it has 300,000 or more miles, or literally until the wheels fall off. They might even joke about passing their vehicle onto the kids, or not having a payment anymore. Your vehicle needs regular maintenance to reach that level, and we at Trinity Auto Care are happy to help.
Maintenance is truly preventative. Trinity Auto Care can replace your oil with fresh clean oil to keep your engine running longer and prevent issues with your rods and pistons that might otherwise present a scary repair bill after a while. A simple tire rotation can save money on future car repairs by reducing the wear to your tires and alignment. Having poorly worn tires can also result in a more expensive repair bill in the long run.
Understand your vehicle is an investment that does experience wear and tear. We are happy to be the ones to help. Trinity Auto Care’s ASE certified technicians will help find problems, and can also help you determine what you need now versus later.
Don’t go to chains
Big national chain store are often more concerned with upselling services and pumping out a volume of car repairs at a higher price rather than really caring about your vehicle individually. You’ll often see ads claiming to have a low price on an oil change only to learn that they are offering conventional oil when you need synthetic. Local stores like Trinity Auto Care make their living off repeat customers who know and trust our services, without the enormous markup needed to fuel national ad campaigns. Many people learn about us through word of mouth, and that’s free! We pass those savings on to you.
About Us
Visit Trinity Auto Care at 2382 Leibel St, STE 101, White Bear Lake, MN 55110. We highly value honor, integrity, and commitment. Our small community relies on our integrity and commitment, which drives us to make your vehicles safe enough to do the traveling you need. We also offer loaner vehicles and a shuttle service to keep your life moving along. Financing options are available for some repairs too. Finally, we offer a 3 year 36,000 mile warranty for your peace of mind – bring it back if it has problems. Call us at 651-369-6449 to schedule an appointment today!